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After seven year of creating a life together... Sawyer Proposed!


The short story is... Sawyer is from Florida & I am from Utah... We both lived in LA for 10 years... We vlogged & traveled the world together for 395 days straight! We always visited Hawaii & said one day we would buy a house & raise kids there... Well, we decided to make that dream a reality! Almost two years ago we moved to Hawaii & bought our first house!

So there's a little history! haha 


Now the reason for this site...

 As I transformed our first house & turned it into a home...Project after project... DIY after DIY... I fell in love with the process & sharing the whole journey on my YouTube channel. I'm continually working on some type of home project & always share the tips & tricks that I discover. The feeling of creating a home & running a successful household is something I am very proud of & would love for everyone to experience! So, I decided to create a resource for you of all my Interior Design & Household knowledge! My goal is to help people transform & create the home of their dreams.


Sharing The Hart Of Our Home With You! 

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